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22 December 2023 - 01 January 2024, join us!

13/11/2023 - Our 15th photo expedition to the Caucasus region is on the way - this time we are going to visit the absolutely unique & fascinating place - Vashlovani National Park in Georgia as the main point, but that is not all - ancient monasteries, Christmas Tbilisi, wine cellars and New Year celebration in Kutaisi are in the programme too. Join us on the unforgettable 4x4 adventure! Small group. We will be staying in comfortable guesthouses. Fairy-tale like views, Georgian cuisine, Caucasian hospitality and unforgettable experience. Join us! info [at]

ARMENIA (03-08 October)

& GEORGIA (19-30 October 2023) BOTH TOURS - SOLD OUT!

01/08/2023 In October we are going to visit both Armenia (Yerevan and surroundings) and Georgia again (Borjomi & Kazbegi regions). Gastronomic and sightseeing tour.

SOLD OUT! Keep an eye on our next tours and expeditions!

8-18 June 2023, join us! Just one place left!


22/05/2023 - "" is heading towards picturesque, welcoming an tasty GEORGIA, that continues to surprise us despite countless weeks spent there during the last 7 years. Join us on an unforgettable "Terra Incognita" style 4x4 adventure on 8-18 June 2023. Expedition photo & video shooting by AMIROS Visuals.
info [at]

22-29 January 2023, join us!

28/12/2022 - We are happy to announce that in a few weeks "" is heading to the high mountain regions of Georgia again. Small group (one 4x4 vehicle), we will be staying in comfortable and warm guesthouses. Fairy-tale like views, Georgian cuisine, Caucasian hospitality and unforgettable experience. Join us! info [at]

Journey description
Описание поездки
Brauciena apraksts

Join us on the expedition to ARMENIA
(September/October 2022)

21/08/2022 - I was preparing a promo for the upcoming expedition to Armenia, but there were so many beautiful landscapes to show, that I ended up with a several times longer clip with an amazing music. But that is just a small part of what we will see in September.😍 Start on the 10th of September, but you can join us later as well. Contact for details.

Winter Solo Expedition to Georgia & Armenia (Part 1)

13/03/2021 - Finally the video from the Winter expedition to Caucasus is uploaded! This, for sure, is not a highly popular TV travel show with serious budget and a crew of producers, operators, scenarists, sound, light and post-processing engineers, nobody composes scripts and jokes, specially organizes various meetings and searches for the best story to tell during the shooting, but exactly because of this each of my journey is not a simple travel, but an adventure. I would be happy to hear your opinion, especially, criticism.


Что нас ждет в Грузии 22-29 января 2023? Мы :
* посетим Боржоми, а также прокатимся на поезде по узкоколейной железной дороге в горнолыжный курорт Бакуриани, маршрут примечателен не только великолепными видами, но и тем, что мост через реку Цемисцкали в начале ХХ века сконструировал сам Александр Густав Ейфель;
* побываем в Храме Баграти в Кутаиси (1003 год), который играл исключительно важную роль в истории средневековой Грузии, а также прогуляемся по исторической части города;
* спустимся в винный погреб моих друзей, которые, сохраняя многовековые семейные традиции, делают шикарное вино; а после этого на веранде дома насладимся вкусом домашнего вина и звуками горной реки Риони, которую в своих трудах упоминали Виргилий, Сократ и Платон;
* посетим и изучим один из высокогорных регионов Грузии - Верхнюю Сванетию, Рача или район легендарного стратовулкана Казбек;
* научимся готовить хачапури и, возможно, ещё какое-нибудь местное блюдо;
* освоим навыки горнолыжного катания или, если Вы уже с опытом, то покатаемся вдоволь;
* будем общаться с местными, наслаждаться уникальными видами и много фотографировать.

Передвигаемся на внедорожнике в маленькой и дружной группе, поэтому точный маршрут определим исходя из интересов группы и погодных условий), проживание в уютных гостевых домиках.

📷 🎥 Фото и видеосъёмку приключения обеспечит AMIROS Visuals.

Опыт поездок по Кавказу более 7 лет.

Дополнительная информация - ЛС, моб. +371 26497589 (Viber/Whatsapp) или
Прямой рейс из Риги (но мы также можем встретить Вас в Грузии). Кто с нами?


Kas mūs gaida Gruzijā 2023.gada 22.-29.janvārī? Mēs:
* dosimies uz Boržomi pilsētu, pēc tam ar vilcienu pa šaursliežu dzelzceļu (kam ir vēsturiskā mantojuma statuss) brauksim uz Bakuriani kalnu slēpošanas kūrortu, pa ceļam mūsu skatam pavērsies ainaviski skati, savukārt viens no 37 km garā ceļa posmiem būs pāri tiltam, ko XX gadsimta sākumā konstruēja pats Aleksandrs Gustavs Eifels;
* Kutaisi apmeklēsim Bagrati katedrāli (1003.g.), kam viduslaiku Gruzijā bija īpaši liela loma, kā arī izstaigāsim pislētas vēsturisko centru;
* nokāpsim manu draugu vīna pagrabā, kur, ievērojot ģimenes gadu simtiem koptās tradīcijas, tiek gatavots gards vīns, to pēc tam arī nogaršosim, sēžot viesu nama terasē ar skatu uz ātro Rioni upi, kuru savos darbos bija minējuši Virgīlijs, Sokrāts un Platons;
* apmeklēsim vienu no Gruzijas kalnu reģioniem - Augšējo Svanetiju, Raču vai leģendārā startovulkāna Kazbeka rajonu;
* iemācīsimies gatavot hačapuri;
* apgūsim kalnu slēpošanas pamatprasmes vai, ja Jums jau ir pieredze, slēposim nopietnākās trasēs;
* daudz fotografēsim, komunicēsim ar vietējiem un izbaudīsim pasakainos dabas skatus.

Tiešais reiss no Rīgas, pārvietošanās ar 4x4 SUV mazā, draudzīgā kompānijā, dzīvošana ērtos viesu namos. Brauciena programma tiks precizēta, pamatojoties uz grupas interesēm un metereoloģisko prognozi.

📷 🎥 Fotografēšanu un video filmēšanu nodrošina AMIROS Visuals.
Mūsu pieredze Kaukāzā ir vairak nekā 7 gadi.

Papildinformācijai - PM, mob. +371 26497589 (Viber/Whatsapp) vai


What to expect during our next adventure in Georgia (22-29 January 2023)? We will:
* visit Borjomi and catch a train to the ski-resort Bakuriani via the cultural heritage status route riding a retro train being surrouned by the spectacular scenery, as well as crossing the river via the bridge constructed by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel at the beginning of the XX century;
* be amazed by the monumental Bagrati Cathedral (1003 A.D.), which once played a key role in the medieval Georgia;
* have a walk around the historical centre of Kutaisi;
* visit the wine cellar of my friend, who continues the centuries old family traditions and makes fabulous wine, afterwards we will enjoy the taste of the wine while observing and listening to the fast flowing Rioni river that was mentioned in the works of Virgil, Socrates and Plato;
* spend a few days in one of the high-mountain regions of Georgia - Upper Svaneti, Racha or the region of the legendary stratovulcano Kazbegi (Kazbek);
* become familiar with Georgian food and will learn how to prepare traditional hachapuri;
* spend some time on the slopes of picturesque mountains and learn to ski or, if you have skills already, enjoy the process of skiing in these almost untouched areas;
* communicate with locals, understand local traditions and, of course, we will also be taking lots of photos and videos.

All local travelling in a 4x4 SUV in a small, friendly group, living in comfortable, authentic guest houses.
📷 🎥 Photo & video shooting by AMIROS Visuals.

Our experience in the region of Caucasus is over 7 years.
Direct flight from Riga (RIX), but other options available as well.

Info & bookings - PM / / mob. +371 26497589
Join us on the unique adventure soon!
ARMENIA Summer & Autumn 2023 (Dates to be announced in February)
Arctic Circle - Summer 2023 (Dates to be announced in April)

NEXT ADVENTURES: to be announced soon!

Contact: info [at]
Mob. +371 26497589


My name is Andris, I am traveler, photographer, videographer and a drone pilot (in my free time), as well as animal rescuer. I will show you the magic World of travel, adventures and discoveries. Step out of the comfort zone and traditional "touristic" places, there is so much more to see. Follow on social media ( for our latest reports from various expeditions and journeys.

If you love nature, hiking, photography, adventures as I do you can join "" on some of the forthcoming expeditions or journeys by contacting me.

Contact: info [at]
Mob. +371 26497589


Georgia 2016

Photo report from expedition to Georgia in 2016 (Kutaisi, Okatse, Borjomi, Abastumani, Akhaltsikhe, Ambrolauri, Oni, Mestia, Kobuleti, Batumi etc.).

Under construction - online soon!


Georgia 2017/2020/2021

Photo reports from expeditions to Georgia in 2017, 2020, 2021 (Tbilisi, Sarpi, Mestia, Koruldi lakes, Ushguli, Kazbegi, Juta, Ananuri, Sighnaghi, Alazani valley, Vashlovani etc.).

Under construction - online soon!



Multiple photo reports from my hometown Riga, as well as from Latvia.

Under construction - online soon!


Armenia 2018/2019/2020/

Photo & video report from various expeditions to Armenia we made in the previous years (Yerevan, Sevan, Ijevan, Haghpat, Gyumri, Aragats, Khor Virap, Areni, Yeghenadzor, Sisian, Tatev, Meghri and much more.
Under construction - online soon!


Gran Canaria

Photo report from trip to Gran Canaria - from sandy dunes of Maspalomas to rocky peaks of Roque Nublo.

Under construction - online soon!



Photo report from trip to Tenerife - Teide National Park, Corona Forestal Natural Park, Teno, Anaga Rural park and much more.

Under construction - online soon!

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